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  7. Frust Stonig – Inktrap Slab Serif
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Frust Stonig – Inktrap Slab Serif

February 27, 2024
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Type Tester

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Product Detail

Frust Stonig is a contemporary slab serif font that merges modern design elements with the traditional characteristics of slab serif typefaces. What sets Frust Stonig apart is its incorporation of ink traps, which are small indentations or corners strategically placed within the letterforms. These ink traps serve to enhance legibility, particularly at smaller sizes or in challenging printing conditions, by preventing ink from filling in and obscuring the details of the characters.

The font’s overall aesthetic is clean, geometric, and sturdy, typical of slab serif typefaces, but with a touch of modern sophistication. Its sharp edges and defined lines exude a sense of strength and confidence, making it well-suited for a variety of applications, from editorial design to branding and advertising.

Frust Stonig strikes a balance between professionalism and personality, making it versatile enough to convey both seriousness and approachability depending on the context. Whether used for headlines, body text, or display purposes, this font is sure to make a bold statement while maintaining readability and visual impact.


  • Additional Accents
  • 66 Languages
  • Kerning
  • Stylistic Alternates


  • Frust Stonig.OTF
  • Frust Stonig.TTF
  • Frust Stonig.WOFF
  • Frust Stonig.WOFF2


  • Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 or later
  • Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 or later
Product image of Frust Stonig – Inktrap Slab Serif
Frust Stonig – Inktrap Slab Serif byVariatype
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